PG 502–21: Prince George’s County – Board of Education and Chief Executive Officer – Revisions

FOR the purpose of repealing provisions of law that established the position of the Chief  Executive Officer of the Prince George’s County public school system; repealing  certain provisions of law that established the powers and duties of the Chief  Executive Officer; revising the membership of the Prince George’s County Board of  Education to require all members to be elected; repealing provisions of law relating  to the appointed members of the county board, including the appointment, terms,  and compensation of the members; repealing provisions that specified certain  staggered terms for certain elected members of the county board; repealing certain  provisions that specified a certain method of filling certain vacancies on the county  board; requiring a vacancy of an elected member of the county board to be filled at  special election under certain circumstances; repealing a provision of law requiring  the Prince George’s County Executive to appoint certain officers of the county board;  requiring the county board to meet at a certain time each year to elect a chair and  vice chair from among its members; altering the number of affirmative votes  required for the county board to pass a motion; providing for the expiration of the  terms of the appointed members of the county board; defining a certain term;  repealing certain definitions; making stylistic and conforming changes; and generally relating to the membership of the Prince George’s County Board of  Education and the Chief Executive Officer.

PG 401–21: Prince George’s County – Assisted Living Program Licensing – Notice of Applicant Located in Common Ownership Community

FOR the purpose of requiring the Secretary of Health to notify the county health officer for  Prince George’s County if the Secretary receives a licensure application under a  certain provision of law for an assisted living program that will be located in Prince  George’s County; requiring the county health officer to determine whether an assisted living program is to be operated within a common ownership community in the county; requiring, under certain circumstances, the county health officer to provide notice of a certain application to the county council and a certain common ownership community; defining a certain term, and generally relating to applications for licensure of assisted living programs in Prince George’s County.

Withdrawn – PG 503–21: Prince George’s County – Board of Education and Chief Executive Officer – Alterations

FOR the purpose of altering the membership of the Prince George’s County Board ofEducation to require all members to be elected; repealing provisions of law relating  to the appointed members of the county board, including the appointment, terms, and compensation of the members; requiring elected members of the county board to  be elected by the voters of the entire county rather than by the voters of the school  district the member represents; repealing a provision of law requiring the Prince  George’s County Executive to appoint certain officers of the county board; requiring the county board to select a chair and vice chair from among the elected members of  the board; altering the number of affirmative votes required for the county board to  pass a motion; repealing provisions of law that established the title of the county  superintendent as the Chief Executive Officer of the Prince George’s County public  school system; providing for the expiration of the terms of the appointed members of the county board; defining a certain term; repealing certain definitions; making  stylistic and conforming changes; and generally relating to the membership of the  Prince George’s County Board of Education and the Chief Executive Officer.