Below you will find a detailed summary of the selected bill, including a complete legislative history. For your convenience, please refer to the legend in the sidebar to understand what actions were taken during each step of the legislative process. You may use the back button above to return to the bill view page to browse other bills.

For Bi-County Bills, the Prince George’s County and Montgomery County Delegations must concur before local legislation can be moved to a House Standing Committee. If there is no agreement then the bill fails.


PG 305–21: Prince George’s County – Vehicle Height Monitoring Systems

Requested By: Delegate Williams


FOR the purpose of authorizing the use of certain vehicle height monitoring systems in  Prince George’s County to enforce certain state and local laws restricting the presence of certain vehicles during certain times; applying to Prince George’s County certain provisions of law relating to vehicle height monitoring systems; defining a certain term; making a stylistic and a technical change; making conforming changes;  providing for the effective date of certain provisions of this Act; providing for the termination of certain provisions of this Act, and generally relating to imposing liability on owners of motor vehicles recorded while being operated in violation of a State or local law restricting the presence of vehicles during certain times.

PG 305-21

Bill History

1/21/21: Law Enforcement Committee – FAV

1/22/21: Delegation – FAV

3/05/21: E &T – Hearing 1:30 pm

3/20/21: Favorable with Amendments Report by Environment and Transportation

3/20/21:  Favorable with Amendments {880617/1 Adopted

3/20/21: Second Reading Passed with Amendments

3/22/21:  Third Reading Passed

3/22/21:  Referred Judicial Proceedings

3/23/21:  Hearing 4/01 at 1:00 p.m.

4/08/21:  Favorable Report by Judicial Proceedings

4/08/21:  Favorable Adopted

4/08/21:  Second Reading Passed

4/09/21:  Third Reading Passed

4/09/21:  Returned Passed